Summer Holiday Ends - changes in Prague transport

Time is flying. Especially if you are having fun, don’t you think? And so summer holiday is about to end soon. Although this is usually bad news for children of all ages, it is great news for anyone who is using public transportation in Prague.

Ending of summer holiday signifies at least two positive things for all passengers in Prague. First of all, it cancels summer schedules with long intervals. Trams, buses as well as subways will come in shorter intervals after another. Excellent, right? Well, that is not all! The beginning of a new school year also means saying bye-bye to big rebuilding of tracks and stations which take place during the summer break.

This year, Czech students will return from their holidays and go back to school on September 3. By this day, if not sooner, all major renovations of public routes should be finished. This means no more changes in lines of your buses and trams. No more detours. No more endless waiting. And no more shall you feel lost in streets of Prague. Isn’t it great?

But life would be too simple if there weren’t any hitches. It is true that most of the big renovations will be finished by September 3. However, the crossroad on Palackeho square will be finished not sooner than until October 31!

Conclusion? Even after the summer holiday you should pay attention to trams and busses with orange signs – this indicates that they follow changed route. Trams number 3, 4, 10, 14, 16 will not follow their regular routes until October 31. So be aware of that.

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