Summer Holidays in Prague – Pay Attention

Maybe you noticed well-dressed children all with flowers and bouquets last Friday morning. What a surprise, right? And at around noon you could see some women hardly carrying all those various bouquets. What was all this about?

On Friday, June 29, it was the last day of this school year for all Czech pupils. On this day, all children received their school reports. It is a Czech tradition to bring flowers to the class teacher in order to express their thanks to them (or maybe to apologize for their bad behavior throughout the year).

This special day means not only the beginning of summer holidays for all Czech children but also complications with public transportation for many. Trams, buses but also subways will have longer intervals, so be aware of it when traveling through Prague in summer months!

Pay attention now anytime you will use the public transportation because in summer months many reparations take place and so some trams drive through different stops and some tram stops are even temporarily out of order!!!

On one side, it is really stupid to repair the streets in summer because it is the tourist season and Prague is filled with tourists. And tourists can get easily lost in a foreign city. On the other side, it is understandable because it is time for locals to take holidays and children are out of the city and thus less people use the public transportation…

Anyway, if you see a yellow sign on a tram or on the tram stop, this means that it follows a different route! So be careful and enjoy the summer in Prague.

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