Klausen Synagogue (Klausova synagoga)

This Baroque synagogue was completed in 1694 and redecorated in the 1880s. It now contains an interesting exhibition of Hebrew prints and manuscripts, an exhibition of Jewish traditions and customs (birth, circumcision, bar mitzvahs, weddings, divorce and the Jewish household) and also drawings of children from the Terezín concentration camp.

Funny name: “Klausen”

Is it related with Klaus, the name of the president of the Czech Republic? NO. Definitely not. It comes from the German word “klaus”, which means “small building”. Initially, the synagogue contained three small buildings (and therefore “Klausen”, the plural of “Klaus”) and was built by Mordechai Maisel, the head of the Prague Jewish Community, in honour of a visit by Emperor Maximilian II in 1573.

Getting there:

The Klausen Synagogue is situated just next to the Ceremonial Hall, near the exit from the Jewish Cemetery.

So, to get there, follow the sign saying ” Starý židovský hřbitov” from the Old Town Square or “Staromestka” ( green A line) underground station.

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