Trams in Prague

Tram crossing the bridge Prague tram system covers a large area of the city (about 530 km of tracks) and transports every year about 330 million people. Rather than this technical information, you will be probably interested in more practical matters like: timetables, tickets, etc. So, here they are:

  • Prague trams run from 4:30 to 24:00 and then from 00:00 to 4:30 at longer intervals.
  • Trams run every 3 to 15 minutes; there is a timetable at every tram station. The name of the station you are in is underlined on the list and the names of the next stations are listed below.
  • When on the tram, don’t forget to stamp your ticket at the punching machines (if not already stamped). At every stop you will hear a recorded message stating the name of the present and next station (“Příští zastávka”, read “przhishtee zastavka” = “next stop”)
  • There are 9 trams, that run by night (“nocni doprava”= night transport): they are numbered from 51 to 59 and run at intervals of 30 min. Night transport hub is station LAZARSKA.

Nostalgic line (tram no 91)

Tram station sign Nostalgic line No 91 is a historical tram that runs from 1st April to 17th November 2007 every weekend and national days. It leaves the terminal station at intervals of an hour starting at 12:00 and ending at 17:35.

It passes stations: Vozovna Stresovice – Prazsky hrad – Malostranska – Malostranske namesti – Narodni trida – Vaclavske namesti – Masarykovo nadrazi – Strossmayerovo nadrazi – Vystaviste.

Rides cost 25 CZK for adults and 10 CZK for children under 10 years, pensioners, disabled and people over 70.

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